More advanced controls over the styling. its great there are basic options. but some are missing like the changing the background color from the plugin settings. Now its white only, with the opacity between 0.1 - 1.
Also to set it to full width with auto responsiveness for mobile, and not per pixels.
Maybe make an option to choose own color and the opacity also an option to set it too zero.
Or even better, that you have full control over every object in Elementor or the defauls wordpress Customizer. More and more theme are using those and its absurd how detailed you can go.
1 year ago
I would like to include being able to style the membership pages for the community add-on. Having to mess with CSS to move certain elements about is tricky.
0 1 week ago Reply
I like the idea of being able to build your own form in WPForms or Elementor and hook it up to ARMember. Would really upgrade the intake process for new/existing users.
0 1 year ago Reply